audioarts studio is located on Waiheke Island, Auckland, New Zealand.
The Studio is on a hilltop overlooking the coast. A 30 minute ferry service connects us with Auckland.
The recording equipment is centred around: AKAI DR16PRO 2496 hard disc recorders, DL16 controllers, RE32 editors, and Lynx and UA converters
This system integrates with Pyramix and Reaper.
Outboard processors include: Lexicon PCM80 and PCM90 reverbs, DBX De-Essers, Neve, Universal Audio, and Aphex compressors.
Preamps include: Neve, Telefunken V72, and UA610.
Outboard mastering processors include: Tube Tech SSA-2A Valve Summing Amps. Pultec EQ1a and MEQ5 EQs. UA LA2A, AMEK 9098, SSL 4000 Compressors. Lynx Aurora 8 and UA 2192 Converters.
Software processing includes a wide selection including: Antares, Arturia, Celemony, EMI, Eventide, FabFilter, Fuse Audio, GRM, Izotope, Lexicon, LiquidSonics, PSP, ReLab, SofTube, Sonnox, Waves, Xils
Microphones include a selection of AKG, Shure, Rode, Neumann, and Sennheiser, including … SM7B, 414BULS, U47W
The monitors are a pair of JBL 4412A, powered by Perreaux amplifiers.